Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Face(book)ing the Truth

As if to no one’s surprise, our world has entered a state of constant communication. Meaning, in short, people are within ten seconds of communicating with anyone on the globe. While twenty years ago, this phenomenon would not have existed, now one touch of the button can connect Japan with Jamaica. Of all the programs out there, one of the most impacting is Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg developed a site that was accepted by millions within years. His technology and idea changed the way we communicate across towns, states, countries, and continents. With all these benefits, could there possibly be a downfall?

We must now accept that an addiction has formulated when it comes to access to Facebook. Social media and new new media has updated our status and provided us the capability of always sharing what’s on our minds. Yes, this is a great tool to stay connected, but when does Facebook information become the primary source of news. Let me explain by looking at three prime examples:

Good news or staying in contact. For me, I am using Facebook a lot more in these past weeks to stay in contact with some friends I made this summer in Medora, ND. I made friends that I never want to forget, and as a result, we are already making plans for next summer. Of course, these plans are Facebook originated. Isn’t that what this site is for? Well, most would say Facebook is designed to maintain contact during or after school; so, technically, I am living up to this standard. Consider this site as to what Facebook is now being used for. All the material and links posted now, are they used to maintain contact?

Sad news or updates. How many times do we discover someone’s relationship change via their status? For me, a prime example occurred last night (8/23/11). Valley City was bustling with information about an alleged shooter. How did I find out who it was? Facebook. Of course, the suspect is a former high school classmate of mine, and all my Facebook friends are discussing the details that he said/she said. Is this living up to the expectation of Facebook? For me, it feels a bit more like gossip in an easier-to-access form.

Memories or moments. Going off my first area, Facebook has become a popular tool for photographs and videos. I remember uploading 100+ pictures of my trip to Mt. Rushmore this summer. They are not really posted for anyone’s pleasure but my own, but I still felt the need to post them. How about instantaneous posts: something that happens at 9:00pm and is posted by 10:30pm? And yes, I am referring to the infamous Bye, Bye, Bye dance number for Sunday evening. Haven’t seen it…check out my Facebook.

Yes, I will agree, Facebook (and other Social Media Sites) is a valuable tool in our ever-changing world, but at what point has it gone too far. Is there such a point? Who knows?


  1. The uses for Facebook that you describe are exactly what I was looking for when I subscribed to Facebook. I looked forward to meeting old classmates and keeping updated on the latest events. However, content and language became a concern for me. Sexual innuendos and vulgarity in some posts became highly offensive to me. Knowing that young people may view these posts, makes me wonder if Facebook is a valuable tool. For now I have limited my time with Facebook.

  2. Great post - Facebook is everywhere!!
    I do have a Facebook account, but I don't really use it much. I am one of those guys that just logs on once or twice a week and looks to see what everyone is up to.
    I suppose this is to my disadvantage as I realize that Facebook can be a good thing. We did organize a fantasy football draft party since everyone thats in the league is on Facebook and it worked great.
    I guess I am kind of freaked out about people knowing everything about me so I don't feel the need to share that much info.

  3. Very impressive Kyle! Facebook has completely changed the way we communicate and has expanded it from a singular level to the global scale. At any point we can communicate with anyone from across the oceans. It is unreal to think about how much technology has evolved and how we change with it. We may never stand up and say what is too much, simply because we change as technology changes. Our lives change with time and we will more than likely conform to almost anything new. You’re a great writer Kyle; I look forward to reading more!
